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DSPL Diversity Statement

The Developmental Stress and Prevention Lab (DSPL) is committed to building an inclusive and equitable environment that values diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. We value all aspects of diversity in the broadest sense, including but not limited to, race and ethnicity, socioeconomic status, age, disability status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, family and marital status, religion, and nationality, and recognize the intersectionality of marginalized identities. We also value the uniqueness of lived experiences and invite a diversity of perspectives as we work toward a common goal of nurturing the inherent potential in every child and family. 


We pursue these efforts in collaboration with Power of two, a non-profit community organization in New York City that aims to help families heal from the root causes of trauma while striving for racial justice. Historically, research in developmental and clinical psychology has been limited in its inclusion of diverse participants, perpetuating disparities in access to care. Therefore, together we build and refine interventions that are inclusive of historically marginalized families to combat the physical and mental health disparities that are perpetuated by systemic inequalities. 


We acknowledge that systemic inequities have also excluded individuals from minority racial and ethnic backgrounds from science and academia. In pursuit of justice for those from historically marginalized backgrounds, our lab is actively working toward making our science accessible and integrating perspectives from our participants and the broader community. We also strive to ensure equity in how we recruit, train, and integrate lab members at all stages of training. To facilitate in anti-racist work to ensure that diversity, equity, and inclusion integrally shape our work, we have created the following committes within the lab:


Dissemination Committee:  Aims to improve the ways in which we communicate our science directly to families and communities who participate in our research.


Parent Perspectives Committee: Aims to incorporate parent voice & choice in all stages of our research.


Diversity in Science Committee: Aims to provide rich training and professional development opportunities for all team members to promote skills development in academic and other related spaces, ensuring that these opportunities are made available in equitable and inclusive ways. 


Language & Lab Culture Committee: Aims to modify the language and terms we use in our science to better acknowledge all aspects of diversity (e.g., shifting away from a deficit model).

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